Parish Relgious Education for Youth & Teens
-Kindegarten thru 12th grade
-September thru May - Sunday mornings 9:15 am - 10:30 am
-Contact: Teresa Vallee
- 2023-2024 PRE year -
Youth Ministry Post-Postoned Meeting until futher notice
-Grades 6 thru 8
-September thru May
-Sunday nights 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
-Grades 9 thru 12 Post-Postoned Meeting until futher notice
-Contact: Christy Atwill & Julie Cunningham
-September thru May
-Sunday nights 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Rite of Christian Initation for Adults
- This class begins every September. It is for adults who have the desire to be baptized, confirmed, and come into full communion with
the Catholic Church. These classes are to inform you about the Catholic Church.
- It is a descern period and under no obligation to join the Catholic Church.
- Contact: Teresa Vallee
Relgious Education for Adults
-September thru May - Tuesdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
-September thru May -
-Contact: Teresa Vallee
For men: The Knights of Columbus
-3rd Degree (all Knights) meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month in the Activity Buuilding.
-Contact: Jason Batchlor
-4th Degree Knights meet on the 3rd Saturday of each even numbered month in the Activity Building.
-Contact: David Piazza
For women: The Ladies Guild
-Contact: Maria Reedy
Meals Ministry
If parishioner is in need of a meal because of illness, surgery, birth of a baby, or other temperary cases of issues let Brenda or the Church office know so you can be added to the list.
-Contact: Brenda Piazza
Music Ministry:
Please contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering for this ministry. 731-885-0963
Liturigcal Minitry:
-This ministry is very important to the church and to the Mass. It includes Extraoridnary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, and Altar Servers.
-Contact: Lillie Vallee
Ministerio Hispanio
-Contact the Church office
Ministry to the Sick & Shut In
-Contact the Church office with a name and address so those that are not able to come to Mass can recieve Communion.
Altar Linens
-Volunteers clean the altar linens each month.
-Contact: Lillie Vallee